Where to find Dirtraveler?
The sweetest of deals can be found in person at an event, this is where you can get a hands on feel for our products and see why we stand behind them. The show schedule has been undated for 2018/2019. Dirtraveler is in a supportive partnership with SFO Adventure who produces these Adventure Expos in California. We are trying to bridge all forms of adventure under one roof where you can see new products, unload some used gear, and show off what you have been working on.
The events calendar can be found at the bottom of the Home Page, the conversion of the new Dirtraveler Van is almost complete and will be show ready in time for the Four Wheel Campers Open House in Woodland, CA.
New products are being added weekly until the end of the year, be sure to check out the new Hard Korr Lighting section. This rugged and proven brand from Australia will light up your next adventure.